"How did you get your administrator to let you go to that MEC conference at ASU??" Well, I asked. If you wish you could go to a fun tech conference, ASK! I can't guarantee it'll work all the time, but it works more often than you'd imagine :-) I had a blast today at my first big edtech conference, and especially had fun tweeting about it! I never get to tweet that much since I don't have a data plan on my phone :-) Anyway, here's a quick summary of some of the cool things I learned about:
-Twitter -Great workshop with Tony Vincent :-)
-Live Classroom 2.0-Free weekly edtech webinars
-Kidsblog-A free blogging service for kids that doesn't require email addresses
-Twoogie-a fun one for fans of Twitter and Doogie Howser MD :-)
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